Join Historic St. Mary’s City (HSMC) for Indigenous Heritage Day from 10:00 a.m., to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 11, 2021. The annual event will be filled with ongoing demonstrations at the Woodland Indian Hamlet that highlight how experimental archaeology is used to further learn about traditional methods in hide tanning, pottery, and cooking.
Visiting from Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum, Village Manager Nate Salzman will be demonstrating flint knapping (a method of tool making) throughout the day. HSMC archaeologists will also be featured, sharing and discussing artifacts found from past archaeological digs. The use of local wildlife will be shown through a hide tanning exhibit, and there will also be a demonstration of technologies used to build wooden canoes, an important method of transportation in the history of this region.
Not to be missed is the performance by Mark Tayac and the Piscataway Nation Singers & Dancers at 1.p.m. From Tayac Territory, (Port Tobacco, MD), Mark Tayac travels with the Piscataway Nation Singers & Dancers presenting a colorful, educational and entertaining pow wow-style event featuring American Indian Dance, Drum & Song that tells of American Indian history, culture, and traditions.
Indigenous Heritage Day will take place outdoors, rain or shine, from 10 a.m., to 4:00 p.m., on Saturday, September 11, 2021. Admission ($10 adult; $9 seniors; $6 youth (6-18); and free for those 5 years and younger and museum members) includes access to special activities. Admission for the day will be available to purchase at The Shop at Farthing’s Ordinary or the HSMC Visitor Center (18751 Hogaboom Lane, St. Mary’s City, Md 20686)
Historic St. Mary’s City is a museum of living history and archaeology dedicated to telling the story of the people who shaped this land now called Maryland. For more information about this program or the museum, contact the Visitor Center at 240-895-4990, 800-SMC-1634, or [email protected].