On April 22, 2020, at approximately 6:42 p.m., La Plata Police Officer First Class David Roys and Charles County Sheriff’s Officer Gregory Champaign along with other members of the La Plata Police Department (LPPD) and the Charles County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) responded to the 5900 block of Crain Highway where a Maryland State trooper had located a possible opioid overdose victim.
While checking on the overdose victim’s wellbeing, PFC Roys and Officer Champaign observed an individual, unrelated to the overdose call, pouring gasoline over himself at one of the convenience store’s fuel pumps.
Responding quickly, Officer Champaign pulled the man away from the fuel pump, while Officer Roys forcefully knocked the lighter the man was attempting to strike from his grasp.
The individual was later decontaminated and transported to the University of Maryland Charles Regional Medical Center for both physical and mental health intervention. The actions of the two officers undoubtedly saved the man’s life, the lives of those at adjacent gas pumps, and prevented significant property damage.
As a result of PFC Roys and Charles County Sheriff’s Officer (CCSO) Gregory Champaign’s efforts, Sheriff Troy Berry presented both officer with CCSO’s Bronze Star.
Aside from his heroic actions in April 2020, Detective/PFC David Roys serves as a mentor to younger officers. As an example of PFC Roys investigative skills and mentorship, on December 13, 2020, during the early morning hours fourteen (14) vehicles and homes were damaged by gunfire. The damage by gunfire shook a local community, which quickly expressed their concerns to the agency and on social media.
PFC Roys immediately began assisting a young patrol officer who had recently graduated from the Anne Arundel County Police Academy with the investigation. Coaching and mentoring, PFC Roys assisted the officer as he collected evidence, canvassing local residents and businesses for video, and conducting interviews. Leads to the case led to St. Mary’s County (SMC) where PFC Roys and Officer Robert Tippett met with SMC Sheriff’s Office detectives and suspects in the case.
During the interviews several of the involved confessed their participation which led to the seizure of a .22 rifle and several airsoft guns involved in the criminal activity. Four individuals were charged with the damage, numerous correspondence was received by victimized residents about how quickly and efficiently the case was handled.
Other investigations include an overnight burglary at a local liquor store, where the suspect threw a rock at a door to gain access. Once inside, the suspect stole the store’s cash register. PFC Roys, again, working effectively and efficiently tracked down leads, obtained videos from neighboring businesses and was able to identify the suspect. As with many individuals who ply the trade of criminal activity, a like burglary occurred in the White Plains area of Charles County. Both burglaries have now been closed via arrest warrants.
Other investigations in 2020, included closing a disorderly house, where numerous opioid and phencyclidine (PCP) overdoses occurred.
During his tenure as a police officer, Detective/PFC Roys has met with parents and adolescents teaching them about internet safety for children and youth. A training he plans to continue in a post COVID world.
LPPD congratulates Detective/PFC Roys for being selected as LPPD’s Officer of the Year.