St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office Seeking Identity of Catalytic Converter Theft Suspects

September 27, 2021

The St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office is seeking the identities of the persons pictured in a theft investigation. On Sunday, Sept. 12, 2021 at 7:10 pm, the pictured vehicle entered the rear parking lot of MD Custom Construction on Mervell Dean Road in Hollywood.

The suspect, the front-seat passenger, got out of the vehicle with a portable tool, cut off the catalytic converter from a Ford F350 truck and then placed the converter into the car’s trunk before getting back into the vehicle.

Anyone with information about the identity of the suspects or this incident is asked to call Deputy Benjamin Luffey at 301-475-4200, ext. 72335 or email Case # 48039-21

Citizens may remain anonymous and contact the St. Mary’s County Crime Solvers at 301-475-3333, or text a tip to “TIP239” plus their message to “CRIMES” (274637). Through the Crime Solvers Program tipsters are eligible for an award of up to $1,000 for information about a crime in St. Mary’s County that leads to an arrest or indictment.