Diggs Elementary School in Charles County School Releases Statement on Knife Brought to School and Threat Made by Student

November 17, 2021

The following letter was sent out by Debra Calvert, the Principal at Diggs Elementary School.

November 16, 2021

Dear Parents, Guardians and Staff:

This morning, school administrators learned that a student allegedly had a knife in his bookbag. Students reported to a teacher after the morning arrival that a classmate showed them a knife in his bookbag at the bus stop today. The teacher immediately notified school administrators and we contacted our school resource officer (SRO) for assistance in the investigation.

As a result of the investigation, we determined that a student was in possession of a small knife. We also learned that the student made a verbal threat on the bus ride home yesterday afternoon. The knife was confiscated and the student faces disciplinary actions outlined in the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) Code of Student Conduct as well as possible charges by police.

The safety of our students and staff is a high priority. Any time a threat to school safety is reported, the administrative team investigates as quickly as possible. Please talk with your child about the seriousness of bringing these types of items to school or on the school bus. Knives, including kitchen or steak knives, are not allowed at school or on the bus and are treated as possession of a weapon. Students often feel they will not get in trouble for possessing these types of weapons, but police will be contacted any time a student is in possession of a weapon or look-alike weapon on school grounds.

I commend the students who shared the report with a teacher this morning. Please encourage your child to report to their teacher or other staff member any activity they feel threatens their safety, or the safety of our school. Parents, students and community members can also report any threat to school safety using the CCPS online See Something, Say Something reporting tool at https://www.ccboe.com/inde…/see-something-say-something-ql.

Working together we can ensure our school remains safe and welcoming for students and staff to learn and work. If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] or call me at the school.

Debra Calvert