Sotterley Presents: People and Perspectives on Wednesday, February 9, 2022

January 18, 2022

Sotterley Presents: People and Perspectives continues February 9th with an exciting panel featuring the Unified Committee for Afro-American Contributions (UCAC) Education Committee. The panel will discuss the importance, impact, and scope of the Education Committee’s work in our area. This free virtual event is a part of our Common Ground Initiative.

Hear about the vision and purpose of UCAC education from the people that research and contribute to the creation of publications, monuments, celebrations, and oral histories that celebrate the role of African Americans in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. The panel will discuss their journey, their obstacles, and their victories to inspire and highlight the urgency to preserve and share this history.

UCAC is a local organization that documents, educates, and commemorates African Americans who have contributed to the history and development of St. Mary’s County, and advocates for improvements for equitable healthcare, education, and community building for all.

This presentation, as part of our Common Ground Initiative, is made possible by the generous support of Maryland Humanities, and the Maryland Heritage Area Authority.