NAS Patuxent River’s Safety Department recently did a sweep of installation buildings within the NAS Patuxent River fence line and acquired quite a haul of unsafe electrical devices.
Pictured are the Safety personnel and all the devices they found, some serviceable and others rendered inoperable for safety purposes.
The Pax Safety Department cites NASPAXRIVINST 5100.1 NAS Patuxent River Electrical Safety Program and NDWINST 11320.10F Fire Prevention and Fire Protection Program as their guiding instructions when looking for electrical hazards in workspaces.
Per NASPAXRIVINST 5100.1 NAS Patuxent River Electrical Safety Program, section 2(a) and 2(b) “Electrical hazards found by inspectors will be immediately abated to eliminate or reduce the probability and/ or severity of the hazard which could be included removing cord ends, and the confiscation of misused electrical equipment.
Confiscated electrical equipment can be recovered from the safety office by the offending employee and their supervisor upon completion of an electrical safety classroom training hosted by the safety office.” The Safety office can be contacted through the hotline at 301-757-9001 or [email protected] .