February 2022
Naval District Washington (NDW) Fire and Emergencies Services Indian Head Company received a special birthday visitor on February 2, 2022.
One year ago to the day, Baby Zhyion came into the world with a little help from crew at Station 20. The crew that day told his mother that they wanted him to come visit every year on his birthday and his mom came through with that request.
Pictured here with mom and Firefighter/Paramedic Nick Harrison is Zhyion enjoying his visit to the Station. All kids love Fire Trucks and Zhyion is no different.
“In 2021, a couple weeks after welcoming baby Zhyion into the world, mom, big brother and grandma travelled to the station as special guests, they were invited to come back once COVID was over for a proper tour for both the boys and dinner with the crew, the guys were all excited to officially meet the healthy baby boy and show them around the rigs and spoil him with a couple helmets, stickers, and anything we could find in the Fire Prevention goodie locker.”
Harrison has 15 years as a Volunteer First Responder, currently serving Bay District Volunteer Fire Department for 7-years, and has previously volunteered with Lexington Park Volunteer Rescue Squad, St. Mary’s ALS, Calvert ALS, and Washington D.C. Engine 8.

February 2022

February 2021

Harrison operating on the scene of a house fire in St. Mary’s County.