School Resource Officer Recognized for Quick Lifesaving Action at Patuxent High School

March 9, 2022

It was business as usual on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, during 6th period at Patuxent High School (PHS) in Lusby.

Shortly before noon, a few PHS staff members had gathered in the Guidance Office conference room to eat lunch. All of a sudden, School Resource Officer (SRO) Deputy First Class C. Childress, of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office noticed a fellow co-worker stand up and start to flail her hands around as if she couldn’t breathe. SRO Childress observed Mrs. Tiffany Heamstead, Guidance Office Assistant, to be in distress (visibly choking) and immediately went to work performing the Heimlich maneuver and successfully dislodged the food particle Heamstead was choking on.

Mrs. Heamstead was extremely grateful for Deputy Childress’ quick lifesaving action.

Kudos to DFC Childress.