Sheriff Tim Cameron and Deputy David Lawrence
The St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office celebrated and congratulated its employees on Wednesday who were recognized for excellence during the fourth quarter of 2021.
Deputy David Lawrence was named as the Deputy of the Quarter. A member of Patrol Squad 2B, a Field Training Officer and a member of the Emergency Services Team, Deputy Lawrence has shown excellent investigative abilities on cases he has worked during this quarter. He has shown the ability to efficiently investigate everything from minor criminal offenses to complex, more serious investigations.
During the quarter, Deputy Lawrence completed 30 offense reports, nearly 300 traffic citations, recovered two firearms on traffic stops and made 39 arrests.
Corrections Cpl. Brian Gillingham was named as Correctional Officer of the Quarter for his dedicated work in multiple responsibilities within the agency. Cpl. Gillingham is assigned to the Community Supervision Unit, overseeing more than 50 inmates on the Home Detention Program. In addition, he also oversees the inmate population assigned to the Work Incentive Program. Cpl. Gillingham also assists with Pre-Trial drug screenings, transporting inmates to doctor appointments, court appearances and program placements. Cpl. Gillingham is responsible for coordinating the weekly COVID testing of the inmate population and assists Health Department staff to ensure a safe living and working environment for inmates and staff.
Crystal Hayden, Senior Classification Specialist, was named as Professional Staff Member of the Quarter for her intensive work in updates to federal recordkeeping systems. The Sheriff’s Office is certified in the new requirements of the National Incident Based Reporting System, which includes several new entry codes. It was a stressful year for Hayden, but she persevered through the challenges.
Sheriff’s Salute:
On Oct. 20, 2021, Corrections Cpl. Gretchen Irby located a drug smoking device on an arrestee at the booking processing room, preventing the paraphernalia from entering the detention center.
Michael Licausi, assigned to the Southern Maryland Criminal Justice Academy, stepped in during COVID-related challenges to fill the lead instructor role to the class with outstanding attention to detail and organization.

Sheriff Tim Cameron and Deputy David Lawrence

Sheriff Cameron and Corrections Cpl. Brian Gillingham

Sheriff Cameron and Crystal Hayden