April brings a special Member Spotlight! Join us in Congratulating two Lifetime Members, Past Chief/Past President John Pardoe and Past Rescue Chief Karen Pardoe.
Past Chief/Past President J. Pardoe started in August of 1974 with SVRSFD as a Firefighter. Past Rescue Chief K. Pardoe joined in February 1991 as an EMT. With John having 48 years of experience and Karen having 31 they bring more knowledge then anyone can imagine. John held every position from Sgt. to Chief and then recently was the Past President in administration.
John says he is here because “it’s in my heart to do whatever it takes to help others in need.” He has always been reliable and there when needed. Past President J. Pardoe has a goal of taking his 48 years of experience and passing everything he knows down to the next generation in SVRSFD. The department has been blessed with having Johnny as a member this long and looks forward to learning all that he has to teach.
Along side her husband, Karen has equally contributed such knowledge and experience to the station. Starting as an EMT she was Promoted to EMS Lt. however, Karen’s hard work did not stop there. She was promoted from Lt. to Capt. and then finally to Rescue Chief. After several years in the medical field Past Rescue Chief K. Pardoe found herself wanting to give back to her community. Proudly serving SVRSFD she brings with her several years experience in the medical field as a medical assistant, 10 years as a SCU tech, and 28 years as an Oral Surgery Assistant.
Since 1991 the Dynamic Duo have served SVRSFD and bring endless compassion for the community. They have served our station with the best interest at heart and provided knowledge with never ending change. SVRSFD are lucky to have John and Karen Pardoe and continue to be proud to serve with them.