Brandon James Abner, 19, John Robert Abner, 58, John Colin Abner, 24, and Frederick Robert Abner, 32, all of Chesapeake Beach
On Friday, April 29, 2022, Judge Rappaport signed three search and seizure warrants for Brandon James Abner.
The warrants were for Abner’s person, residence, and vehicle.
Members of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office Drug Enforcement Unit (CCSO DEU) conducted surveillance on Brandon, who was walking his two dogs on the boardwalk.
According to court documents., the DEU members observed a white female approach Brandon’s front window, and observed a hand to hand transaction, Brandon then continued to walk his dogs before proceeding to the Abner’s Crab House where he spends some time in the parking lot before heading to his residence located at 417 2nd Street.
At approximately 8:25 p.m., The Calvert County Sheriff’s Office Special Operations Team executed the search warrant on Abner’s 2015 Chrysler 200 sedan that was located at 16th Street and Bayside Road.
Brandon Abner was detained without incident. Police towed the vehicle and proceeded to Abner’s residence. At approximately 8:34 p.m., the SOT made entry into the residence without incident and detained the single occupant of the residence. John Robert Abner, age 58, was escorted outside while the SOT searched the residence.
During the search of Brandon Abner’s room in the basement of the residence. Police located and seized the following.
- A polymer 80 9mm (Ghost Gun) with a gold barrel loaded with 17 rounds in the magazine. This items was located on Abner’s bed.
- A short barrel rifle with a tan pistol grip with no serial number and a black pistol with a pistol brace. These items were located in a green rifle bag on the floor.
- 3 unloaded 5.56 magazines, one loaded 5.56 magazine. Located in the same green rifle bag.
- 1 C.Z. Box containing a C.Z. Scorpion Evo 3S1 with 2 unloaded 9mm magazines. This box located underneath of the green rifle bag.
- 1 silver small digital scale with residue, located on a dresser.
- 6 black jars/containers containing suspected raw Marijuana, 1 plastic zip-lock baggie containing suspected raw Marijuana, 4 jars containing suspected THC Wax, 1 Khushi vape pen, and a box of zip lock baggies. All located on a shelf.
- 1 black digital scale, located on a table next to the bed.
- 1 black Polymer 80 .40 caliber (Ghost Gun) loaded with 15 rounds, and a black barrel.
Located in Room #2 (John Colin Abner’s room, age 24.) Police located a seized the following.
- 1 pistol grip shotgun loaded with 8 shells
- 1 loaded Windham Weaponry rifle and a second loaded magazine.
- 1 zip lock bag of suspected Marijuana
- A black rifle case containing a Ruger AR 5.56 Rifle, a polymer 80 (Ghost Gun) with an unloaded magazine inserted, and two empty AR magazines.
- 1 medical marijuana bottle labeled “John Abner” containing a Ziploc baggie of 7 suspected LSD tab located in a blue tin safe.
- 1 empty glock magazine
- 1 blue digital scale with Marijuana residue and a shot shell, along with two boxes of shotgun shells, a medical marijuana bag labeled “Dionne Evans”
- 1 wallet containing U.S. Currency
- 2 additional boxes of ammo.
- 16 shotgun shells in an orange vest
Located in room #3 (John Robert Abner’s bedroom)
- 1 glass jar containing suspected cocaine located in the top dresser of the right-side nightstand.
Located in room #4 (Family room)
- A Glock 43 handgun in a Glock Box with one loaded magazine and one empty magazine located under the couch.
- One blue Apple iPhone located on John Colin Abner’s person.
Located on the front yard from Frederick Abner II, aged 32, an Apple iPhone
Located from Brandon’s vehicle, a black Apple iPhone with a black case.
Located from Brandon’s person. U.S. Currency in front left pocket. Vehicle/house keys located in front right pocket. Marijuana located in right pant leg.
While John Abner was detained outside, he was asking questions about the search warrant, Officers advised him of his rights and Abner then stated he did not want to speak with them.
Brandon James Abner, 19 was escorted to the residence and advised of his rights. Brandon invoked his right to remain silent and refused to speak with officer without an attorney present.
While the search warrant was in progress, John Colin Abner, age 24, arrived on the scene and advised he wanted to come inside of the residence. Police detained him in the living room alongside his father.
When John was requested to speak with police, he agreed and was escorted outside to a picnic table, advised of his rights, and told he was being audio and video recorded on the officers bodycam. Colin then refused to speak with the officers without an attorney present.
John Abner then waived his rights and while being interviewed by police, Frederick Robert Abner, age 32 arrived on the scene. Police told Frederick to leave the address, and he refused. Frederick continued to walk towards John Abner and police and was placed under arrest.
Frederick then started screaming and making a scene outside of the residence and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center (CCDC). Brandon, Colin Abner were separately transported to the CCDC as well.
After John Abner’s sons were transported, he agreed to speak with police again and advised he has just purchased cocaine from a black male near Abner’s Crab House and advised it was located in his nightstand. DEU members recovered the cocaine as evidence. At this time,
John Robert Abner, 58, of Chesapeake Beach has not been charged with possession of the cocaine he told police was his.
Members of the DEU collected all items seized from Brandon Abner’s room which amounted to approximately 706.7 grams of Marijuana to include packaging, digital scales with suspected cocaine and marijuana residue, a box of plastic zip lock bag and $330 in U.S. Currency.
The items seized from Colin’s room amounted to 96.6 grams of Marijuana to include packaging, 7 tabs of LSD, a digital scale, numerous ziplock baggies with the corner ripped off, and $352 in U.S. Currency.
The items seized from John Robert Abner’s room amounted to 5.1 grams of cocaine to include the packaging. It was noted John is a cocaine user, and is not part of his son’s illegal drug distribution activities.
Upon contacting the Maryland Gun Center, the 3 polymer 80 (ghost guns) were not registered and had no serial numbers. Brandon Abner and John Colin Abner were both prohibited from possessing firearms.
The Abner family owns Abner’s Crab House and A & A Gaming, in Chesapeake Beach.

Brandon James Abner, 19, of Chesapeake Beach

John Robert Abner, 58, of Chesapeake Beach

John Colin Abner, 24, of Chesapeake Beach

Frederick Robert Abner, 32, of Chesapeake Beach