Charles County Sheriff’s Office Visits Girl Scout Troop from La Plata Church of Christ

June 1, 2022

The Charles County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank a local Girl Scout Troop from La Plata Church of Christ for inviting them to be a part of their day this weekend!

They wanted to learn more about police work and so Officers M. Neel, B. Aber, and H. Ptack responded!

The scouts were given demonstrations of how the lights and sirens work inside a police car; how radar works; how to light a flare; and how police radios work. One thing we learned is that the young ladies think it would be so much cooler to call police radios “Walkie-Talkies!” Okay girls! Got it!

They had some questions too: Why did we choose police work?
Officer Aber answered because he was in the Army and being a police officer gave him the same opportunity to serve and protect our communities

Officer Neel said he wanted to follow in his father’s and grandfather’s footsteps by becoming a third generation police officer.

Officer Ptack said she wanted to be a part of serving communities and helping people.

Then a thought provoking question: Why do police officers like donuts so much?” So many answers but…

Officer Ptack was quick to answer, “In our line of work we call them power rings!”

While the scouts had fun and learned a few things, we did too!

It was affirmation that by taking the time to invest in our children, we can make a positive difference and enlighten people more about how we serve our communities. Thank you to the parents of the scouts for helping to bring this to fruition and we are also pleased to learn they each received a Merit Badge!