Cpl. Gerard Muschette and Sheriff Cameron (center)
St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office personnel were recognized and awarded this week at the Maryland Sheriffs’ Association annual conference for their professional achievements.
Lt. Shawn Moses was awarded for Crime Prevention in 2021, while Cpl. Gerard Muschette was awarded for Community Service and Cpl. Brian Gillingham was awarded in the Corrections category. We congratulate our officers for their excellent work in 2021.
Crime Prevention Award: In May of 2021, Sheriff Tim Cameron implemented the enforcement phase of the Youth Gun Violence Task Force, a temporary unit led by Lt. Moses. “In a few short months, the [task force] intelligence-led initiative led to a significant and swift reduction of shots fired, shootings and prevented countless acts of violent crime in St. Mary’s County,” Capt. David Yingling said.
“Their efforts over 90 days led to 65 arrests, 19 firearms seized and a staggering number of search and seizure warrants on residences, phones, vehicles and persons, resulting in recovered evidence, which have already led to multiple convictions,” Capt. Yingling said.
“The overwhelming success and results of the task force was the direct result of the commitment, dedication, hard work and immense sacrifices made by each of the individuals assigned to the task force, but particularly the leadership of Lt. Moses,” Capt. Yingling said.
Members of the task force were: Lt. Moses, Sgt. Joshua Krum, Sgt. Christopher Beyer, Cpl. Blaine Gaskill, Cpl. Michael Labanowski, Cpl. Gerard Muschette, Cpl. Austin Shultz, Cpl. Lacey Smith, Cpl. Dustin McClure, Cpl. Glen Knott, DFC Shawn Shelko, DFC Matthew Beyer, Deputy Michael Graves, Deputy Alexander Wynnyk and Crime Analyst Kelly Castle.
Community Service Award: Cpl. Muschette serves as the School Resource Officer for Great Mills High School. In his assignment to the school, Cpl. Muschette “is called upon often to intervene in physical altercations, mentor students, investigate various crimes and assist school staff with new and inventive ways to solve potential problems. Cpl. Muschette confronts these issues with a positive outgoing attitude and pleasant demeanor,” Lt. Thomas Hedderich said.
“Cpl. Muschette’s dedication to the school extends outside of his work hours as the School Resource Officer. Cpl. Muschette has become one of the school’s football coaches where he continues to mentor students,” Lt. Hedderich said.
Corrections Award: Cpl. Gillingham is assigned to the Community Supervision Unit, where he oversees 45-plus inmates on the Home Detention Program.
In addition, he also oversees the inmate population assigned to Work Incentive and also holds multiple collateral duties. Furthermore, Cpl. Gillingham also assists with Pre-Trial program drug screenings, transporting inmates to doctor appointments, court appearances and program placements.

Lt. Shawn Moses and Sheriff Tim Cameron (center)

Cpl. Gerard Muschette and Sheriff Cameron (center)

Sheriff Cameron accepts the Corrections Award on behalf of Cpl. Gillingham