Charles County Sheriff’s Office Investigating Mail Fraud and Stolen Checks

October 10, 2022

The Charles County Sheriff’s Office has received several reports of checks being stolen and altered after they have been placed in the mail. Both personal and business checks have been stolen.

The CCSO Criminal Investigations Division is investigating these crimes in conjunction with the United States Postal Inspection Service.

Anyone who may have been a victim of this crime should contact CCSO at 301-932-2222 as well as file a report with the United States Postal Inspection Service at

The CCSO encourages citizens to use alternative means of money transfer, such as paying bills online or electronic transfers, as this crime trend remains active. It is imperative that citizens and businesses track the checks they have written and ensure that they have been cleared appropriately. By using these steps and remaining diligent, citizens can assist law enforcement in curbing this crime trend.

The St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office is also actively investigating stolen and altered checks – SMCSO continues to receive reports of check fraud through the US Mail. Citizens across Southern Maryland have reported multiple incidents of check fraud, where personal and business checks have been intercepted in the US Mail and altered to fraudulent amounts.

The St. Mary’s Sheriff’s Office continues to assist in these cases which have been forwarded to the United States Postal Inspection Service for investigation.

To report incidents of check or mail fraud to the Sheriff’s Office, please use the Citizens Online Reporting System at Mail fraud, mail theft and other postal issues can be reported to the US Postal Inspection Service at