Francis Xavier Hammett

February 10, 2023

Francis Xavier Hammett of Solomon’s Maryland passed away peacefully in his sleep early on February 4, 2023.  He was 91 years old.  He was visited and surrounded by many of his children and grandchildren just one day prior to his passing. Born and raised in Washington D.C., Francis was the youngest of Thomas Johnson and Martha
Madeline Lawrence Hammett.  Francis was predeceased by his bride of 61 years, Carolyn Ann Maserick Hammett, also of Solomon’s MD. He was also predeceased by his 4 siblings, Bernard Hammett, John Hammett, Rita Dallavale, and Mary Fuchs. Francis grew up at Holy Comforter Church in Washington D.C. where he attended elementary
school.  He went to Gonzaga College High School in D.C.  After graduating from high School in 1948, Frank entered the Catholic University of America where he earned a Bachelor’s and
Master’s Degree in Economics.

It was during this time he met his soon to be bride, Carolyn. Frank established himself as a systems analyst for the Department of Defense, first serving at the Pentagon and then later at the Navy Yard.  In the 1970’s Frank resided in the shadow of the newly established Holy Family Parish in Hillcrest Heights, Maryland. He later moved within Hillcrest Heights to live right next door to his ailing parents for whom he cared with the assistance of his bride, all while raising their young family.

Frank was a supporter of Catholic Education, sending his children to Catholic schools.  Francis
along with Carolyn were catechists in the parish religious education program at Holy Family.
Later, Francis and Carolyn were also Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist at the Parish.
Frank and Carolyn along with their children decorated the church for all of the major feast days
and holidays, as well as arranging the flowers on a weekly and monthly basis.
Francis was a devoted family man who supported his children in their many endeavors in the
arts, music, sports, scouting, employment and recreation.  He frequently joked that he could be
wearing a chauffeur’s cap as he drove his kids to various activities in the faithful family Ford

In addition to the family road trips to Florida, Francis also took his young family on almost
weekly camping trips to “the barn” on property the family owned near McConnellsburg, PA.
He also provided summer activities for his family with a membership at the Bolling Officers
Club Pool in Washington D.C.  All of his children enjoyed the summer amenities including
swimming lessons, lifeguarding and swim team.  Francis and the family deeply enjoyed the
many meals and memories at the officer’s club and pools.  The irony of Frank’s devotion to
pools, beaches and water recreation was that he did not know how to swim.  He always
maintained that he just didn’t want to get his trademark handlebar mustache wet.