“The North Beach Volunteer Fire Department Board of Directors is disappointed to learn that a former piece of NBVFD apparatus, a GMC Sierra 2500 formerly Brush-1, is being used in a reckless and potentially fraudulent manner.
As is often the case when a piece of equipment reaches the end of its duty period with the department, the old brush truck was stripped of its emergency equipment and most modifications, and then sold. This vehicle is essentially a common truck, and so was sold to the general public. The sale was conditional on the buyer’s removal remaining fire department markings, a condition of sale that was not met.
The Board is now receiving multiple complaints about the vehicle. To be clear, this is not a fire department vehicle, is not affiliated with the NBVFD, and is likely in violation of multiple state laws. We are particularly concerned about the complaints because the abuse of fire department markings will undermine faith in actual emergency vehicles, and therefore increase the risks of emergency response to our crews and to the general public.
Under the Code of Maryland, actual fire department vehicles are mandatorily equipped with red and/or white signal lights at the highest practical point, and will have a local government or emergency vehicle license plate.
We are working with the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office, The Maryland State Police, and civil counsel to bring this matter to a swift and safe conclusion.
Please refer vehicle complaints to the Sheriff’s Office, and any other questions or concerns to the NBVFD PIO at pio@nothbeachfire.com or mail to pio@nothbeachfire.com ”