Pictured: Members of ABATE of Maryland, Calvert County chapter, receive a proclamation from the Board of County Commissioners in recognition of Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month in Calvert County.
The Calvert County Board of County Commissioners proclaimed the month of May 2023 be known as Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month to urge all drivers and community members to unite in the safe sharing of the roads in Calvert County and throughout Maryland.
Safety is the highest priority for the streets and roadways of our county. Calvert County is proud to be a supporter of motorcycle safety, education and awareness.
Motorcycles are a common and economical means of transportation that reduce fuel consumption and road wear and contribute significantly to the relief of traffic and parking congestion.
The members of ABATE of Maryland, Calvert County continually promote motorcycle safety, education and awareness to the general public in our county and state.

Pictured: Members of ABATE of Maryland, Calvert County chapter, receive a proclamation from the Board of County Commissioners in recognition of Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month in Calvert County.