The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) recently inducted seven nursing students into Alpha Omega, CSM’s chapter of the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society.
The nursing students selected for this honor earned Bs or better in all of their nursing courses without repeating the courses and together completed a scholarly project related to the advancement of nursing as a profession.
The Spring 2023 Alpha Omega Chapter inductees are Larissa E. Battle, Jessica A. Brack, Kathleen B. Burch, Stacey Chayka, Becca Pearl Hall, Shirley C. Onyeukwu, and Alpha Omega Chapter President Ella Videgla.
Videgla served as the honor society’s student speaker at the April 17, 2023 ceremony, and shared the details of the inductee’s scholarly capstone project, in which they spoke with nursing students about the extracurricular activities that exist outside of nursing school.
“We live in a world that is constantly evolving in all aspects and as future nurses we will constantly be at the forefront of encountering complex and unique situations,” shared Videgla. “To adequately face and handle those situations, we believed that a nurse must not only possess the adequate motor skills to provide patient care, but the cultural competency, emotional intelligence and global perspective that serves as a guiding tool to delivering patient-centered care.”
Some of those extracurricular activities include nursing externships where students can work under a registered nurse; domestic volunteer opportunities such as volunteering at homeless shelters in the area; and international volunteer opportunities that focus on delivering humanitarian aid in developing countries. The inductees presented the information to incoming third and second semester students with the hope that they would use the summer months to expand their knowledge.
Videgla said that completing the project served as a reminder that for nurses, education is a lifelong process.
“Our path to becoming nurses does not just begin and end with completion of nursing school and board exams, it signifies the beginning of the journey to effecting real sustainable change in the profession of nursing and continuing the path creating a culture of excellence and better health outcomes for all,” she concluded.
Earlier in the program, Linda Goodman, professor of nursing, gave the history of the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) and the Alpha Delta Nu Honors Society. CSM’s chapter of Alpha Omega was established in fall 2012.
Goodman explained the meaning of symbols of nursing that were displayed at the event, including a copy of Florence Nightingale’s “Notes on Nursing” to represent the foundations of the profession; a lamp and lit candle to symbolize the light of knowledge, caring and compassion; and a stethoscope to represent the tools used by nurses in their career.
She also explained that students would be given a pin and a cord to celebrate their induction into the society and that both could be worn by the student with their graduation regalia at commencement.
“Each of you now carry not only the honor and privilege but the duty to practice within the ethical, professional scope of practice,” said Goodman.
Assistant Professor of Nursing Lauren Guy provided the closing remarks for the ceremony, commending students on the hard work that led to them not only completing their degree but excelling in nursing school.
“All of you are here because of your hard work and courage,” she said. “We can all agree that nursing school is challenging at its best, overwhelming at its worst. You have risen to this challenge.
“I encourage you to have patience with yourselves, determination to reach your goals and contagious excitement as you see the shining light at the end of your nursing school journey,” Guy continued. “These attributes will allow you to continue with the momentum that you have already begun.”