On August 27, 2023, at approximately 1:00 am, the PGPD was requested to provide assistance to the Metropolitan Police Department’s Aviation Unit which was following a suspect vehicle heading toward the county line.
A PGPD patrol officer observed the vehicle at Suitland Parkway and Naylor Road in Temple Hills. The officer activated his emergency lights and sirens and briefly pursued the fleeing SUV.
The SUV crashed through a fence and then struck a duplex in the 2800 block of Bellbrook Street in Temple Hills. The SUV caught fire, sparking a fire at the duplex.
PGPD officers immediately cleared both homes to ensure the residents inside were able to safely escape the fire. No one inside of the homes was injured.
Both homes suffered severe damage from the fire.
A PGPD officer also ran after the two suspects who bailed out of the suspect vehicle following the crash
One of the suspects was apprehended nearby. He’s identified as 21-year-old Imaauddin Hawkins of Washington, DC. He’s currently charged with malicious destruction of property and traffic violations. He is in the custody of the Prince George’s County Department of Corrections on a no-bond status.
The investigation to identify and arrest the second suspect is on-going.
As is routine, the pursuit will undergo an administrative review. The Office of Emergency Management and Red Cross offered assistance to the displaced residents.
photos courtesy of and taken by NBCWashington