Pictured left to right: LSM Program Manager Zach Steele, MIL Executive Vice President and LSM Board President Tom Clark LSM ‘18, LSM Executive Director Sybol Anderson, MIL Senior Vice President Harvil Jenkins LSM ‘21. Photo: MIL Corporation
The MIL Corporation presented Leadership Southern Maryland (LSM) with a $10,000 sponsorship last month, renewing its partnership with the nonprofit community leadership development organization.
Based in Lexington Park, Md., MIL provides innovative cyber, engineering, financial, and information technology services to the federal government. MIL Executive Vice President Tom Clark remarked, “MIL has been providing services to our Navy customers here in Southern Maryland for over 40 years. We recognize the importance of supporting the communities where our company operates, and our workforce lives.
I am also honored to be LSM’s Board President where I work with amazing Southern Maryland leaders that connect, educate, and inspire a diverse group of current and emerging leaders, fostering collaboration to address community needs of Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s counties.”
MIL boasts several LSM Executive Program graduates among their ranks including Senior Vice President Harvil Jenkins, LSM ’21, who said, “I attribute my valuable professional network and collaboration with like-minded leaders in both local government and business to my affiliation with LSM. Thanks to this connection, I am able to actively participate in various local committees and initiatives dedicated to serving the Southern Maryland community.”
Fostering connections is a key element of LSM’s mission to educate and inspire Southern Maryland leaders to address community needs. “LSM exists to inform Southern Maryland leaders, at all stages of their careers, about industry and community needs in our three counties and to support them in addressing those needs collaboratively,” LSM Executive Director Sybol Anderson said. “In 15 years, we have graduated more than 500 Southern Maryland professionals from our Executive Program and LSM Emerging Leaders Program (LEAP). We could not have achieved this without the support of committed partners like MIL, a company that demonstrably values people, community, relationships, and collaboration.”
In addition to their partnership with LSM, MIL supports various organizations and efforts including the local Rotary Club, MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital, and other non-profit organizations through their MIL-Cares Program, an employee-driven, internal fundraising initiative where employees come together and decide where to put resources in support of the community.
Leadership Southern Maryland, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is an independent community leadership development organization designed to broaden the knowledge base of early-career professionals to senior-level public and private sector executives about the critical issues, challenges, and opportunities facing Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s counties. For more information, contact Sybol Anderson, Executive Director, at 301-862-SOMD, via email at [email protected], or visit www.leadershipsomd.org.
About Leadership Southern Maryland : (LSM) is a 501(c)(3) organization by the Internal Revenue Service (EIN#26-2989381). Contributions are deductible as charitable contributions to the extent permitted by law.
For more information, please contact Sybol Anderson, Executive Director, Leadership Southern Maryland, 301-862-SOMD, via email [email protected], or visit www.leadershipsomd.org.

Pictured left to right: LSM Program Manager Zach Steele, MIL Executive Vice President and LSM Board President Tom Clark LSM ‘18, LSM Executive Director Sybol Anderson, MIL Senior Vice President Harvil Jenkins LSM ‘21. Photo: MIL Corporation