Jamaze Jovan Wood, 25, and Shannyn Elizabeth Dulemba, 40, both of No Fixed Address
On Saturday, January 27, 2024, Deputies from the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office responded to a residence on Sue Drive in Lexington Park for the report of an assault and robbery.
According to the victim, the incident occurred at approximately 4:50 p.m., in the rear of the St. Mary’s Square shopping center near the Weis grocery store. The victim reported being knocked to the ground, physically assaulted, and robbed of his wallet.
Following the initial interview with deputies, the victim was transported to MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital for medical treatment.
Subsequent investigative efforts led to the identification and arrest of two individuals. Shannyn Elizabeth Dulemba, 40, of No Fixed Address, and Jamaze Jovan Wood, 25, of No Fixed Address, were taken into custody and transported to the St. Mary’s County Detention and Rehabilitation Center and charged with Robbery, Assault First Degree, Assault Second Degree, Theft, and related CDS: Possession Not Cannabis violations.
According to court documents, police made contact with the adult male victim, who stated he was travelling on foot to work when three subjects approached him. He described a tall black male subject wearing a mask, military-style pants and a khaki jacket immediately came over and placed one hand on the front of his throat. The male then began strangling the victim by applying extreme pressure, impeding his airway. The victim also indicated that he felt as if he began losing consciousness while being strangled.
While the male subject was strangling the victim, he utilized his other hand to forcefully rip his wallet out of his pocket. The victim’s brown leather wallet contained approximately $500.00 in cash. He also removed the victim’s phone and threw it, damaging the case.
While this was occurring, a white female subject, wearing all black with multiple facial piercings, then approached and grabbed the front of the victim’s arms, bringing him to the ground. Once on the ground, the victim was assaulted by the black male as well as the white female. He stated both subjects began punching him with closed fists. He also stated the female was pulling on him while he was on the ground.
In the process of being continuously punched, the victim lost consciousness and was unable to recall anything that occurred after losing consciousness. He indicated prior to losing consciousness, he observed the third subject, who he described as a thin black male wearing a dark-colored hoodie, began running from the scene.
The victim was observed to have severe swelling to the left side of his face, his nose was displaced from its original position. The victim also indicated having pain in his arms and shoulders, where he was also assaulted. He was subsequently transported to St. Mary’s Hospital for his injuries. The victim’s clothing contained small portions of blood from his injuries, and the right pocket was ripped, which is where his wallet was forcefully removed from.
Family members were able to provide a surveillance video snapshot of the involved female as she is in the area of the residences to the rear of the shopping center on a regular basis. The female seen in the surveillance video snapshot was also wearing all black and matched the description the victim provided. Family members also indicated the female lives in the wooded area where the victim walked.
Officers in the area were provided with descriptions of the subjects that were involved in the incident, and approximately a half a mile from the incident location, officers observed a black Nissan sedan stationary on Great Mills Road.
As officers approached the vehicle, they contacted a white female, sitting in the passenger seat, matching the exact description as the suspect.
A second subject, who was later identified as Jamaze Jovan Wood, 25, of No Fixed Address, was also located in the rear of the vehicle.
Wood, who was seated in the rear passenger seat of the vehicle, immediately put his head down low toward his lap as if he were attempting to conceal his face. Due to the uncertainty of any possible weapons and the amount of people in the vehicle, the occupants were ordered to place their hands up where they could be seen. Wood refused to comply with the commands given, and shortly after, the vehicle door was opened, and he stepped out, he began to walk away despite being told to remain where he was.
After a few steps, Wood began to run away in an attempt to flee. An officer was able to grab Wood’s jacket and prevent him from fleeing, and he instantly became combative and tried to pull away. Wood grabbed the handcuff case on the officers vest and began pulling at it. The officer ordered Wood multiple times to release his grasp on his vest, but he refused to do so. Wood remained combative and constantly kept trying to escape
Deputies were eventually able to place Wood in handcuffs. During this time, he was informed he was under arrest multiple times.
Police attempted to search Wood, where he again became combative and refused the orders given and constantly tried to pull away.
While conducting the search, the defendant raised his left foot and kicked a deputy in his shin, and then used the same foot to stomp down onto his left foot. Wood kept his foot on the deputy’s and continued to apply pressure as if he was trying to hold it in place. The officer ordered Wood multiple times to stop assaulting him, and as he pulled his foot away, he raised his foot once again as if he was going to try to kick him again.
Wood remained disorderly, and ultimately a crowd began to gather in the area. He was escorted to a marked patrol vehicle for transportation but was resistant the whole time. Despite being informed multiple times he was under arrest and was being transported to the Detention Center, he refused to get into the vehicle. He directly stated he would not comply with the orders given.
Any time deputies attempted to place him in the vehicle, he actively resisted and would not voluntarily get inside. Deputies were unable to place him in the vehicle due to his level of resistance. Ultimately, a larger transport vehicle had to be requested so deputies could safely place him inside.
One deputy sustained abrasions to both hands that were bleeding as a result of the incident.
A search of Wood’s person incident to arrest revealed a small piece of cardboard with black writing on it. The cardboard contained the victim’s exact address on Sue Drive. The victim indicated this was in his wallet, which was stolen during the robbery. The victim was able to describe the piece of paper with his address as well as the exact ink color used to write the address down.
Shannyn Elizabeth Dulemba, who was arrested and charged for the same incident, also indicated that Wood was in her tent in the woods near the victim’s house prior to the incident. She also indicated that Wood assaulted her when she confronted him about the robbery.
Wood was also read his Miranda rights, and he agreed to speak with police. Wood stated he didn’t know anything about the incident.
A search of the vehicle that both subjects were located in was also conducted in an attempt to locate the victim’s stolen property.
The search revealed a folded $1.00 bill with a hard rock like substance in it. The dollar bill was located on the right rear floorboard. A glass smoking device containing a white powdery residue was located on the right rear passenger floorboard. A paper fold containing a white powdery residue was located in a rear center car seat.
Another glass smoking device containing a white powdery residue as well as a metal smoking device containing the same were also located under the driver’s seat towards the rear of the vehicle. The defendant was the only subject in the back of the vehicle at the time of contact.

Jamaze Jovan Wood, 25, of No Fixed Address

Shannyn Elizabeth Dulemba, 40, of No Fixed Address