The Leonardtown Square Facebook Page posted the following information on Monday, April 8th.
To the immediate attention of the four young men who decided to climb on the roof of the former PNC Bank building at 12:45 a.m. Saturday morning to trespass and damage private property by tossing a cinder block off the roof of the building onto the sidewalk.
We have video of your destructive actions and have turned it over to St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Department. Putting your hoodies up after you see the camera sign does not erase the earlier video. Two of you walked away and did not go onto the roof. We are advising you to come forward on your own, prior to Friday, April 12th, before the video is released for the community to view your shocking and potentially harmful actions.
You have the power to choose responsibility and accept there are consequences for your actions.
We ask that you contact Corporal Roszell at 301-475-4200 ext. 8108.