Calvert County Public Safety Promotes Heat Safety to Combat Risks of Summer Heat

June 17, 2024

The Calvert County Department of Public Safety is urging residents to prioritize heat safety to protect themselves and their loved ones as summer brings sweltering temperatures.

Excessive heat, particularly when combined with high humidity, can lead to serious health risks, including heat-related illnesses. Vulnerable populations such as the elderly, infants and children, and those with certain chronic illnesses such as asthma are at higher risk.

To combat the dangers of excessive heat, Public Safety officials recommend the following measures:

  • Stay hydrated: It is crucial to drink plenty of water, as hydration helps regulate body temperature during periods of intense heat.
  • Limit strenuous activity: Avoid engaging in strenuous physical outdoor activity when the heat is at its peak. If possible, schedule outdoor activities during cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or evening.
  • Seek shelter in air-conditioned spaces: Whenever possible, stay indoors in air-conditioned areas to escape the heat. If air-conditioning is not available, close windows and use fans to create cross-ventilation. Closing curtains, shades or blinds can also help keep rooms cooler. South- and west-facing windows typically receive the longest hours of sunlight.
  • Take cool showers and baths: Take advantage of cool showers or baths to lower body temperature and find relief from the heat.
  • Seek refuge in public spaces: Public places like libraries and community centers offer temporary respite from the heat. These spaces are equipped with air conditioning and provide a safe environment to cool down.

During excessive heat events, the heat index may surpass the forecasted temperature. Whenever the heat index is projected to reach 105 degrees Fahrenheit or higher for two consecutive days, emergency cooling centers will be opened throughout the county. Libraries and community centers serve as emergency cooling centers and will provide water to those in need.

Residents can stay tuned to emergency alerts and information about the location and availability of cooling centers online at and through the Calvert Prepare mobile app. Visit to download the free app and sign up for local emergency alerts.

For individuals who are unable to afford cooling costs, weatherization, or energy-related home repairs, residents are encouraged to contact the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). LIHEAP provides assistance to qualifying individuals and families, ensuring they can access the necessary resources to stay cool and safe during extreme heat events.