St. Mary’s County Commissioner Meeting Rollup – June 11, 2024

June 23, 2024

The Commissioners of St. Mary’s County (CSMC) began their business meeting with an invocation and the pledge, followed by approval of the consent agenda.

The CSMC then presented proclamations in recognition of  National Certified Nursing Assistant Week and World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

They also presented proclamations celebrating the Leonardtown High School Softball and Baseball teams for winning their respective Maryland State Championships, and presented a commendation to Kayla Rorie of Great Mills High School for winning the State Championship for 100 meter Hurdles.

For their main agenda item, the Commissioners approved the Board of Education’s FY2025 budget and quarterly payment schedule.

During County Administrator Time, the Commissioners took the following action:

  • Reviewed future CSMC meeting agendas.
  • Approved the Department of Social Services Inter-Governmental Agency Agreement on behalf of the Local Management Board, Poverty Alleviation System, Circles USA.
  • Approved the FY2025 Memorandum of Understanding with Visit St. Mary’s MD.
  • Approved the renewal of the MOA with College of Southern Maryland for Small Business Development Center services in FY2025.
  • Approved the Program Open Space development applications for Chancellors Run Regional Park LED Light Retrofit project.

The Commissioners then wrapped the meeting with Commissioner Time.

The CSMC will not meet on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. The next CSMC business meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 9 a.m. in the CSMC Meeting Room (1st floor, Chesapeake Building, 41770 Baldridge Street in Leonardtown). CSMC decisions and related documents are available on the SMCG website in BoardDocs. Meetings are open to the public and can be viewed live on TV Channel 95 or on-demand via Visit for more information.