UPDATE 7/9/2024: On Thursday, July 4, 2024, at 10:20 p.m., firefighters responded to 541 Walton Road in Huntingtown, for the structure on fire.
40 firefighters from Calvert and Anne Arundel County responded with first arriving units reported a large barn fully engulfed in flames.
The owner/occupants were identified as Michael Smith with the estimated loss $225,000
No injures were reported. The incident involved a fire in a large barn located on the property.
The fire and area of origin remains under investigation.
Anyone with any information regarding this incident is asked to contact the Office of the State Fire Marshal, Southern Regional Office, at 410-414-3600.
7/4/2024: On Thursday, July 4, 2024, at approximately 10:22 p.m., firefighters from North Beach and surrounding departments responded to the 600 block of Walton Road in Huntingtown, for the reported structure fire.
Dispatchers advised to all responding units they received multiple 911 calls reporting a structure on fire and upgraded the incident to a working fire, which alerted additional firefighters from Anne Arundel and Calvert counties to the scene.
Crews arrived on the scene to find a large barn fully engulfed in flames. Incident command advised it would be a defensive operation due to the entire building being engulfed.
Firefighters from St. Mary’s, Calvert, Charles and Anne Arundel responded or assisted with fill ins while crews operated on the scene for over three hours.
The Office of the Maryland State Fire Marshals Office responded to investigate the cause of the fire.
All photos are courtesy of the Prince Frederick Volunteer Fire Department