Lexington Park Man Arrested After Assaulting Pregnant Woman

July 31, 2024
Jefferson Edwardo Alvarez-Contreas, 20, of Lexington Park

Jefferson Edwardo Alvarez-Contreas, 20, of Lexington Park

On July 5, 2024, at approximately 5:38 p.m., police responded to an address on Franklin Road, in Lexington Park for a reported domestic dispute.

Police spoke to a pregnant female victim who reported her boyfriend, later identified as Jefferson Edwardo Alvarez-Contreas, 20, of Lexington Park, asked her to come outside while he was working in the yard.

The victim wanted to go back inside because it was hot, and she had a young child who could not be outside in the heat. The victim informed police when she began to go back inside Contreas became upset and started to argue with her, he then grabbed her by the wrist and pushed her into nearby shrubbery while screaming at her.

The victim said he then obtained a metal mallet and threatened to break her phone and “smash in her face”, with the mallet. The victim was able to separate from Contreas, however he continued to pursue her, so she proceeded to the kitchen to arm herself with a kitchen knife to be able to defend herself. Contreas continued to chase her into the kitchen where he again grabbed her by her wrist forcing her to lose her grip, she was at this point on the ground when he began to pull her hair, while stomping and kicking her so she would lose grip of the knife.

The victim said she no longer had the knife for protection and Contreas shoved her head several times. Once he released her hair, he got on top of her and began to strangle her by using his hands to grasp around her neck and throat area. Due to the loud altercation, friends had responded to the area and began yelling at Contreas to stop at which time he released her.

The victim reported to police once she was able to get to her feet Contreas punched her in the abdomen with a closed fist and stated he no longer wished to have a baby with her. The victim informed police she is approximately 3 to 4 months pregnant with Contreas’s child.

The victim noticed her phone was no longer where she had left it in the residence. The phone value is approximately $400-$450. The victim also confirmed her child who is at least two years of age was present inside the residence within sight/sound of the assault.

Contreas fled the scene before the police arrived. Deputies from the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office located Contreas a short distance away and were able to detain him without further incident.

During a search incident to arrest Contreas’s person, the victim’s android phone was located, she confirmed it was hers by using her fingerprint to unlock it.

Police observed physical signs of injury to the female victim. The injuries were photographed, and emergency medical services responded to the scene to treat the victim.

Contreas was transported to the St. Mary’s County detention and rehabilitation center where he was charged accordingly with the following:

  • first degree assault
  • crime of violence-pregnant person
  • assault second degree
  • theft: $100 to under $1,500