Calvert County Board of Commissioners Meeting Summary – July 9, 2024

July 26, 2024

The Calvert County Board of Commissioners met on July 9, 2024, to address various community and administrative matters. The agenda included public service announcements, proclamations for “Buy Local Week” and “Parks and Recreation Month,” and several board appointments. Updates to the Board of Appeals’ rules and a Port Security Grant Program were discussed.

Opening Remarks and Invocation:

  • Call to Order: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the July 9, 2024, meeting.
  • Invocation: Pastor Tarpe from Revive Church provided the invocation, asking for guidance for the leaders and blessings for Calvert County.

Approval of the Agenda:

  • Amendments: The agenda was amended to table the Calvert County Ethics Commission appointment and move consent item number five to new business.
  • Approval: The amended agenda was approved unanimously.

Public Service Announcements:

  • Cooling Centers and Transportation: Cooling centers are available, and free public transportation is offered due to the recent warm weather.
  • Animal Shelter: The Calvert County Animal Shelter is over capacity, and adoption fees are waived to encourage adoptions.
  • Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony: A ceremony for the new Public Safety Building at 110 Main Street will occur at 2:00 PM today.
  • Lesby Villas Project Meeting: An informational meeting about the Lesby Villas project will be held at 7:00 PM at the Southern Community Center and live-streamed on YouTube.


  1. Buy Local Week (July 19-28, 2024):
    • Presentation: Director Julie Oberg and representatives from local agricultural businesses spoke about the importance of supporting local producers.
    • Proclamation: The week of July 19-28, 2024, was declared Buy Local Week, encouraging residents to buy from local farmers and businesses.
    • Representatives: Rachel Norris, Erin Farley, Caitlyn Cosgrove, Valerie Bren, Ryan Claud, and Caroline Trossbach were introduced.
  2. Parks and Recreation Month:
    • Presentation: Linda Jones, along with Parks and Recreation staff, celebrated Parks and Recreation Month, highlighting their contributions to the community.
    • Proclamation: The month of July was declared Parks and Recreation Month, recognizing the importance of parks and recreation in maintaining quality of life.


  • Calvert Marine Museum Board of Governors: Thomas Rice, Albert Lane, and Garrett Ring were appointed.
  • Veterans Affairs Commission: Patricia McCoy, Robert Spor, and Michael Sweeney were reappointed, and Edward Sullivan was appointed as the County Commissioners’ representative.
  • Work Group to Study Public-Private Partnerships for Calvert County Public Schools: Commissioners Mark Cox and Catherine Grasso were appointed.

Consent Agenda:

  • Items: Included approvals for liquor licenses, lease agreements, grant awards, and memorandums of understanding.
  • Approval: The consent agenda was adopted unanimously.

New Business:

  1. Department of Planning and Zoning – Board of Appeals Rules of Procedure:
    • Presentation: Jason Brinkley, Moren Doolittle, and Lisa Krebs presented updates to the Board of Appeals’ rules of procedure, focusing on clarity and organization.
    • Approval: The updates were approved unanimously.
  2. Department of Public Safety – Port Security Grant Program:
    • Presentation: Dave McDow and Barbara Warner discussed a grant proposal for replacing Boat 3 for Solomon’s Volunteer Rescue Squad and Fire Department.
    • Discussion: The total cost is estimated at $1.2 million. The county and Company 3 will each provide $200,000 as a match to an $800,000 Port Security Grant. Commissioners expressed concerns about the total cost and ongoing maintenance but approved moving forward with the grant application, pending additional information on costs.

Public Comments:

  • Joe Cormier: Reminded residents about the summer meals program registration deadline and praised Parks and Recreation staff.
  • Citizen Concerns: Raised issues regarding budget discrepancies and called for more transparency.

Commissioner Reports:

  • Commissioner Cox: Highlighted productive meetings with Secretary Day and recognized retirements in Planning and Zoning and the Health Department.
  • Commissioner Nutter: Expressed condolences to the Harsy family and emphasized the importance of reaching out to struggling individuals.
  • Commissioner Hart: Mentioned the impact of a recent tragedy in his community and encouraged parents to stay engaged with their children.
  • Commissioner Grasso: Acknowledged a productive meeting with Secretary Day and noted the ongoing work and support from county staff even during commissioners’ vacations.
  • Commissioner Hans: Reminded everyone about public service announcements and emphasized the importance of supporting farmers during the drought.


  • Motion to Recess: The Board moved to recess into a closed session to consult with legal counsel and discuss pending litigation.

The meeting adjourned with plans to reconvene for the closed session.