Auto Theft Investigation Leads to Arrest of Waldorf Man for Illegal Firearms

August 13, 2024
Micah Jarett Bidgell Jr., 29, of Waldorf

Micah Jarett Bidgell Jr., 29, of Waldorf

Micah Jarett Bidgell Jr., a 29-year-old resident of Waldorf, is currently facing multiple criminal charges after a search of his home on August 1, 2024, led to the discovery of illegal firearms and ammunition. The search was part of an ongoing investigation into auto theft, with Bidgell being identified as a suspect.

On July 31, 2024, police obtained a search and seizure warrant, which was executed the following day at Bidgell’s residence on Tower Hamlets Place by the Charles County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Services Team. As the team made entry into the home, detectives stationed at the rear of the property observed a door on the lower level open and a firearm being thrown into a bush. This weapon was later identified as a black Glock 29 10mm handgun, which had a live round in the chamber and a 15-round magazine inserted.

Inside the house, detectives discovered another firearm, a Ruger SR40 .40 caliber handgun, under a bed in a third-floor bedroom. This weapon also had a live round in the chamber and a loaded 15-round magazine inserted. Additionally, another loaded magazine was found next to the firearm. Notably, the serial number on the Ruger handgun had been obliterated, a practice often used to prevent tracing the firearm’s origin.

Bidgell’s legal troubles are compounded by his prior convictions, which make it illegal for him to possess firearms or ammunition. According to the Maryland Gun Center, Bidgell is prohibited from owning firearms for two reasons: he is under 30 years old and has a juvenile adjudication for a disqualifying crime, and he has a conviction that resulted in more than two years of imprisonment.

As a result of the search, Bidgell has been charged with the following offenses:

Illegal Possession of a Regulated Firearm (two counts) – This charge stems from his status as a prohibited person due to his prior convictions.
Possession of a Detachable Magazine Over 10 Rounds (three counts) – The law in Maryland prohibits the possession of magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.
Illegal Possession of Ammunition – Given his prohibited status, Bidgell is also charged with illegal possession of the ammunition found with the firearms.
Altering the Identification Number on a Firearm – This charge relates to the defaced serial number on the Ruger SR40.

Following the discovery of the firearms, Bidgell was arrested and charged. During the search, officers also found paperwork indicating that Bidgell was required to register as a gun offender, with his most recent registration date being June 27, 2024.

Bidgell’s initial appearance in court occurred on August 1, 2024, where he waived his right to an attorney at that time and was held without bond. A subsequent bail review was held on August 2, 2024, but the judge maintained the decision to hold Bidgell without bond. His case remains open, with a court date scheduled for September 4, 2024​.