VIDEO: Saint Mary’s County Alcohol Beverage Board Meeting Reviews Two Violations and Hands Out Fines

August 13, 2024

The Saint Mary’s County Alcohol Beverage Board met on August 8, 2024, with discussions focused on violations, license transfers, and administrative updates. The meeting included several important decisions affecting local businesses.

The Board started by approving the agenda and minutes from the previous meeting without any objections.

Arthur C. Brinkley and Celeste C. Baird, who are in the process of opening a new restaurant, requested a 90-day extension for their license application. They explained that while construction is progressing, delays in county approvals have hindered their ability to complete the project. The Board granted the extension.

The Board addressed two violations of county and state alcohol and tobacco regulations:

Piney Point Market Violation:

Ernesto Feliciano Jr., owner of Piney Point Market, was fined $500 for selling tobacco products to a minor. The violation occurred during a compliance check by the Saint Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office. Despite the minor not having any identification, the store clerk proceeded with the sale. Feliciano admitted to the violation and expressed regret. The Board emphasized the seriousness of selling tobacco to minors, which is treated with the same gravity as selling alcohol to underage individuals.

Noli’s Restaurant Violation:

Noli’s Restaurant faced a violation related to the sale of alcohol to a minor. Bambi Lee Jenner, a server and former manager at the restaurant, was fined $150 for serving alcohol to an underage customer without asking for identification. Jenner admitted that she failed to check the ID, mistakenly believing she could accurately judge who was of legal age. She expressed deep regret and acknowledged the importance of strictly following the restaurant’s ID policy.

Melissa Attilio, the licensee and owner of Noli’s Restaurant, was also fined $1,000, with $500 of that fine suspended. Attilio expressed her support for Jenner, praising her overall performance as a manager and acknowledging that this mistake was an exception. Attilio has since implemented stricter ID-checking policies, including mandatory ID checks for everyone at a table if one person orders alcohol, and signed up for additional training to prevent future violations.

TJ Liquors License Transfer:

Taryn Preet Kang’s application to transfer the license of HV Liquors to TJ Liquors was approved. Kang, a first-time business owner, assured the Board that he and his family, who have experience working in liquor stores, will enforce strict ID checks to prevent underage sales. The approval is contingent upon obtaining the necessary state licenses and passing required inspections.

Marketplace Wine and Spirits Tasting Permit:

Parth Patel’s request for a 365-day beer, wine, and liquor tasting permit for Marketplace Wine and Spirits was approved. Patel explained that he waited to apply for the permit until liquor could be included. The Board granted the permit after ensuring Patel understood and would comply with the regulations governing tastings.

The Board approved several administrative updates to align with current state laws and decided to cancel its September 2024 meeting due to a lack of agenda items.

The Alcohol Enforcement Coordinator reported that the county conducted 20 compliance checks in July 2024, resulting in one violation. Additionally, 16 people were arrested for DUI in the county during the same period. Ongoing training efforts are aimed at reducing violations and improving compliance among local businesses.

The Board Inspector reported 15 inspections and five follow-up visits during the past month, as well as upcoming training sessions for employees at Olive Garden.

The Board will meet again in October 2024. In the meantime, they continue to emphasize the importance of compliance with alcohol and tobacco laws, particularly the enforcement of ID checks to prevent underage sales.