Lexington Park Man to be Charged with Animal Cruelty After Dogs Found in Overheated Shed

August 13, 2024

Luis Saul Hernandez-Samayoa, 34, of Lexington Park, has been charged with two counts of animal cruelty following an incident in which his two dogs were discovered in an overheated shed. The St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office responded to a call on June 14, 2024, regarding the welfare of the dogs at Hernandez-Samayoa’s residence on Morris Drive.

According to court records, the incident began when a potential buyer of Hernandez-Samayoa’s property arrived for a home inspection. The buyer contacted Animal Control after noticing that two dogs were locked inside a shed on the property. The Animal Control Officer (ACO) who responded, identified as ACO Lawrence, found the shed to be dangerously hot, with temperatures exceeding 90°F. The dogs inside—identified as a female American Pitbull mix named “Jay Lo” and a male American Pitbull mix named “Coco”—were reportedly panting heavily and showed signs of heat distress.

The shed was described as being sealed with zip ties and blocked with logs, leaving no windows or openings for ventilation. Inside, officers noted a strong odor of urine and saw several wet spots on the wooden floor, believed to be sweat stains from the dogs. One of the dogs, “Coco,” was found tethered by a metal chain to a wall, with the collar so tightly fastened that it had to be cut off. The other dog, “Jay Lo,” was not tethered but was also showing signs of distress. There was one water bowl inside the shed, but it was only half-filled, and the overall conditions were deemed inhumane.

When contacted by Officer Deitrich, Hernandez-Samayoa identified himself as the owner of the dogs. He explained that he had placed the dogs in the shed temporarily due to the home inspection and claimed that he could not bring the animals to his new residence. Hernandez-Samayoa also mentioned that the house was on the market, and the dogs were often placed in the shed during property showings.

A criminal summons was issued for Hernandez-Samayoa on August 12, 2024, charging him with two counts of animal cruelty under Maryland Criminal Law §10-604(a)(5) for failing to provide proper care for the animals. Each count carries a potential penalty of up to 90 days in jail and/or a $1,000 fine. Additionally, he faces a charge related to the improper restraint of one of the dogs, which involved the use of a tight collar.

The preliminary inquiry for this case is set for September 20, 2024, at the St. Mary’s County District Court.