Huntingtown Couple Faces Animal Cruelty Charges After Tragic Euthanasia of Neglected Dog ‘Harmonie’

August 21, 2024
Brian Edward McKay, 45, and Sommer Lee West, 39, both of Huntingtown

Brian Edward McKay, 45, and Sommer Lee West, 39, both of Huntingtown

Brian Edward McKay, 45, and Sommer Lee West, 39, both of Huntingtown, have been charged with multiple counts of animal cruelty. The charges stem from their alleged failure to provide necessary care for a severely ill dog named Harmonie, a tan and white Pitbull Terrier. The case has garnered significant attention due to the disturbing details surrounding the condition of the dog and the alleged neglect by its caretakers.

According to court documents, the case began on July 8, 2024, when Harmonie was brought to the Prince Frederick Animal Hospital by Brian Edward McKay. According to the clinic’s staff, Harmonie was in a dire state, suffering from a snake bite, severe weight loss, a herniated bladder, and mastitis. The veterinarian who examined Harmonie, described her as severely underweight and in need of immediate, extensive care. Despite being informed of the severity of Harmonie’s condition, McKay allegedly refused to pay for the necessary treatment and opted to take the dog home with only pain medication.

On July 9, 2024, a concerned staff member at the veterinary clinic reported the situation to Calvert County Animal Control. An investigation was promptly initiated, leading officers to the residence of McKay and West on Wilson Road, in Huntingtown. When officers arrived at the home, they found Harmonie in a kennel in the backyard, chained and suffering from severe facial swelling, irritated skin, and underweight conditions. Her left eye appeared to be sinking in due to swelling, and she was observed pawing at her face in distress.

During the investigation, both suspects made statements to the authorities. McKay, who initially brought Harmonie to the vet, reportedly told the veterinarian that he did not want to pay for further treatment beyond the pain medication. When questioned by animal control officers about why Harmonie had not been taken to the emergency vet as advised, McKay allegedly stated that he was concerned about the dog making a mess inside the house, saying, “her head was going to explode,” a disturbing reference to the severity of the swelling on Harmonie’s face.

West, who was identified as Harmonie’s owner, was also present during the investigation. When officers found Harmonie in the kennel, West initially resisted the removal of the dog, claiming it was not McKay’s decision to surrender the dog and arguing that the dog was “everyone’s dog.” She expressed disbelief at Harmonie’s condition, insisting that the dog did not appear to be in such a dire state just days before. West also mentioned that they did not have the funds for the necessary veterinary care, although she was reminded that there were other options, including surrendering the dog earlier to prevent further suffering.

Despite her initial resistance, West eventually agreed to surrender Harmonie, who was then transported to the animal shelter, where she was euthanized due to her extensive health issues and suffering. A subsequent necropsy revealed the severity of Harmonie’s condition, including abscessed tissue on her face and a second mass on her mammary chain, which was identified as intestines that had slipped out of the hernia.

Both Brian Edward McKay and Sommer Lee West have been charged with the following offenses:

  1. Animal Cruelty – Failure to Provide: This charge is a misdemeanor, carrying a potential penalty of up to 90 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000. It alleges that the defendants unnecessarily failed to provide Harmonie with the necessary veterinary care while she was under their care and custody.
  2. Animal Cruelty – Conditions Detrimental to Health: This charge, classified as “Other,” similarly carries a potential penalty of up to 90 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000. It alleges that the defendants subjected Harmonie to conditions that were detrimental to her health and general welfare.

The case against McKay and West is currently pending in the District Court for Calvert County. Both defendants are scheduled to appear for a preliminary inquiry on September 30, 2024, at the Calvert District Court.

Brian Edward McKay, 45, of Huntingtown

Sommer Lee West, 39, of Huntingtown

Brian Edward McKay, 45, and Sommer Lee West, 39, both of Huntingtown

Brian Edward McKay, 45, and Sommer Lee West, 39, both of Huntingtown