Summary of the St. Mary’s County Economic Development Commission Meeting – August 20, 2024

August 22, 2024

The Economic Development Commission meeting, chaired by Curtis Brown, focused on several key initiatives aimed at fostering economic growth and addressing challenges within the local economy. The meeting included presentations from various experts and discussions on critical topics that impact the community’s economic landscape.

Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) Program
Presenter: Lisa Colavito, Director of the BRE Program

Current Status: Lisa Colavito provided an in-depth update on the BRE program, which is designed to support and retain local businesses. The program has recently conducted a series of outreach initiatives to understand the needs and challenges of local businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Successes: Colavito reported that these outreach efforts have been successful in connecting businesses with necessary resources, such as financial assistance, advisory services, and training programs. Several businesses have reported increased stability and growth as a result of these interventions.

Challenges: A significant challenge discussed was the resource gap for businesses located in underserved areas of the city. These businesses often face more significant obstacles in accessing the support provided by the BRE program. Colavito proposed that the program should develop targeted strategies, such as localized workshops and partnerships with community organizations, to address these disparities.

Future Plans: Moving forward, the BRE program will focus on enhancing its data collection methods to better track the progress and needs of businesses. Colavito also mentioned plans to expand the program’s reach by collaborating with regional economic development organizations.

Workforce Development
Presenter: Leona Charles

Current Workforce Landscape: Leona Charles presented a comprehensive report on the workforce development programs currently in place. She highlighted the efforts to align these programs with the needs of high-growth industries, particularly in technology, healthcare, and advanced manufacturing.

Training Opportunities: The report outlined new training initiatives, including partnerships with local community colleges and vocational schools, to offer certifications in fields such as information technology, healthcare support, and skilled trades. These programs are aimed at both young graduates and adults seeking career changes or skill upgrades.

Workforce Gaps: A major issue identified was the growing skills gap between the demands of local employers and the qualifications of the workforce. Commissioners discussed the need for a more robust collaboration between industry leaders and educational institutions to ensure that training programs are tailored to market needs. Suggestions included regular industry advisory councils and curriculum adjustments based on employer feedback.

Job Placement Initiatives: The report also mentioned ongoing job placement programs that have seen success in matching qualified candidates with job openings in the region. However, there is a need to scale these efforts to reach a broader audience.

Health and Wellness Industry Initiative
Presenter: Dr. Silvio Borrero

Initiative Overview: Dr. Silvio Borrero introduced a new initiative aimed at expanding the city’s health and wellness sector. This initiative seeks to position the city as a hub for healthcare innovation, wellness tourism, and fitness services.

Attracting Businesses: Dr. Borrero proposed several incentives to attract businesses in this sector, including tax breaks, grants, and streamlined permitting processes for new facilities. The initiative also envisions collaboration with local hospitals, universities, and private investors to create a supportive ecosystem for health and wellness businesses.

Economic Impact: The initiative is expected to create new jobs, attract investment, and increase the city’s revenue through tourism and related services. However, some commissioners requested more detailed economic projections and risk assessments to ensure the initiative’s viability and sustainability.

Support and Concerns: The initiative received strong support from the commission, with many members expressing enthusiasm for the potential economic diversification it could bring. Nevertheless, there was a consensus on the need for careful planning and phased implementation to mitigate any potential risks.

Update on Infrastructure Projects
Presenter: Dr. Dale Moore

Ongoing Projects: Dr. Dale Moore provided an update on several key infrastructure projects currently underway in the city. These include road and highway improvements, the expansion of broadband internet access, and upgrades to public transportation systems.

Importance for Economic Growth: Dr. Moore emphasized that these infrastructure projects are critical for supporting economic growth, as they enhance the city’s attractiveness to new businesses and improve the quality of life for residents. Improved transportation and connectivity are particularly vital for businesses looking to relocate or expand in the region.

Funding and Timelines: Dr. Moore highlighted that while many projects are on schedule, there are concerns about funding shortfalls for certain initiatives, particularly the broadband expansion project. He mentioned that the city is exploring alternative funding sources, such as state and federal grants, as well as public-private partnerships.

Commissioner Input: Some commissioners suggested prioritizing projects that would have the most immediate economic impact, while others advocated for a balanced approach that addresses both short-term needs and long-term infrastructure goals.

Community Engagement and Outreach
Presenter: Trisha Post

Recent Efforts: Trisha Post reported on the recent community engagement efforts aimed at gathering input on the city’s economic development priorities. The outreach included town hall meetings, online surveys, and focus groups with residents and local business owners.

Key Feedback: The feedback gathered revealed that residents are particularly concerned with the availability of local job opportunities, affordable housing, and the impact of new developments on the community. There was a strong desire for more transparency in the planning process and greater involvement of local communities in decision-making.

Future Plans: Post outlined future plans to continue these outreach efforts, including more frequent town hall meetings and enhanced digital engagement platforms. The goal is to ensure that the community’s voice is heard and considered in all major economic development decisions.

The meeting concluded with a general consensus on the importance of continued strategic planning, community engagement, and collaboration with various stakeholders to achieve sustainable economic growth. The commission agreed to reconvene on September 17, 2024, to review progress on the discussed initiatives and address any emerging issues.