Commissioners of St. Mary’s County Meeting Summary – September 10, 2024

September 11, 2024

The Commissioners of St. Mary’s County convened on September 10, 2024, for a session covering a wide range of topics, from annual recognitions to budget approvals. President Randy Guy, alongside Commissioners Eric Colvin, Mike Hewitt, Mike Alderson Jr., and Scott Ostrom, presided over the meeting.

Opening and Remembrance

The meeting began with introductions of the commissioners and administrative staff. President Guy led a moment of silence to honor the victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, which claimed 2,977 lives. This solemn remembrance was followed by an invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.


Several proclamations were issued:

  1. National Recovery Month – Commissioner Guy highlighted the county’s support for those battling mental health and substance use disorders. Representatives from the St. Mary’s County Health Department and community partners emphasized the importance of recovery services.
  2. National Suicide Prevention Month – Commissioner Colvin read the proclamation, urging the community to recognize suicide as a preventable public health issue. Local health officials encouraged individuals to seek help through the 988 crisis hotline.
  3. International Underground Railroad Month – Commissioner Ostrom recognized the county’s historical role in the Underground Railroad, citing landmarks like Sotterley Plantation and the Old Jail Museum. Partners from these sites encouraged ongoing education about the county’s rich history.
  4. National Senior Center Month – The commissioners celebrated the activities and services provided by the county’s senior centers, urging adults aged 50 and older to engage in the programs offered.

Consent Agenda and Budget Approvals

The commissioners unanimously approved the consent agenda and discussed future county business. Key points included:

  • Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Calendar – The Department of Finance outlined the timeline for the 2026 budget, with key dates set for capital improvement project (CIP) submissions and budget work sessions beginning in November 2024.
  • Nonprofit Funding – The 2026 budget includes allocations for nonprofits, with more than $1 million distributed in the previous fiscal year.
  • Public Forum Schedule – After considering commissioner requests, public forums for 2025 were rescheduled to accommodate conflicts. Dates were moved to January 7, April 29, July 29, and November 4.

Rental Lease and Childcare Facility Discussion

The commissioners approved a lease addendum for the Hayden Farm property, expanding access to 35 acres of farmland.

A major discussion followed regarding the planned construction of a new childcare facility next to Leonard Hall. Originally budgeted at $1.8 million, the project’s cost has now risen to $2.33 million due to inflation. Commissioners debated whether to proceed with this modular building or to explore renovating the nearby Leonard Hall building, which could house more children. After lengthy deliberation, the commissioners agreed to delay a final decision for 90 days to gather more cost estimates for both options.

Other Reports

The Department of Aging and Human Services presented updates on federal grants supporting senior programs. Notably, the Older Americans Act grant, totaling $443,740, will fund essential services such as home-delivered meals and caregiver support programs. Additionally, the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) received a $52,500 federal grant to support its volunteer network.

Closing Remarks

During the Commissioner Time segment, each commissioner reflected on the importance of community events and recognized upcoming local festivities, such as the St. Mary’s County Fair and the Oyster Festival. Several commissioners emphasized the need for continued support of suicide prevention and recovery programs.

The meeting concluded with reminders of upcoming public events, including a recovery walk in Leonardtown and various local activities celebrating the county’s heritage and community resilience.