Inmate Charged After Assaulting Fellow Inmate at St. Mary’s County Detention Center

September 11, 2024
Michael Allen King, 51, of no fixed address

Michael Allen King, 51, of no fixed address

Michael A. King, 51, has been charged following an assault on a fellow inmate at the St. Mary’s County Detention and Rehabilitation Center. The incident occurred on the evening of September 8, 2024, within the detention facility.

According to court documents, King, who was already incarcerated at the time, assaulted another inmate, identified as Thomas Gerald Littlejohn. Surveillance footage from the detention center shows King exiting his cell around 10:00 p.m. and approaching Littlejohn, who was seated at a table in a dayroom. King allegedly struck Littlejohn multiple times with a closed fist, causing him to fall to the ground before returning to his cell.

Officers were called to the facility the following morning. After reviewing the video footage, they observed that Littlejohn had sustained a laceration to the inside of his bottom lip. King was arrested on September 9, 2024, and charged with second-degree assault on an inmate, a misdemeanor offense.

During a bail review hearing on September 10, 2024, St. Mary’s District Court Judge Karen Christy Holt Chesser ordered that King be held without bond. A trial date has been set for October 10, 2024.

Michael Allen King, 51, of no fixed address

Michael Allen King, 51, of no fixed address