Each year, the most qualified and dedicated members of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) from across the country join each other at the prestigious National Leadership Conference (NLC).
Having qualified from the Maryland State Leadership Conference, in their respective competitive events, 12 Northern High School and 7 Northern Middle School students earned their spots at the conference, which was held in Orlando, Florida in June. Guided by their trusted advisers, Nancy Wilt-Tassa and Wendi Ring at the high school level and Athena Lewis at the middle school level, students made the most of their time in Orlando.
Two high school students had stand-out achievements during the competition. Olivia Herrin, current NHS senior and NHS FBLA Vice-President, as well as the Maryland FBLA Vice-President, maximized her time and effort at NLC, earning the esteemed position of FBLA National Secretary.
This marks Northern’s first ever FBLA National Officer, which is an incredible accomplishment for Olivia, NHS, and CCPS. Members from Northern’s FBLA chapter and students from FBLA chapters all over Maryland helped Olivia at her campaign booth, where they worked in shifts to assist Olivia in building good will with members, state officers, and even voting delegates.
Additionally, Olivia prepared her campaign helpers thoroughly by providing them with guidance in how to effectively hand out flyers, interact with different individuals, network with state delegates, and facilitate fun trivia games.
In addition, Gentry Bowie, who is an NHS senior and NHS FBLA Co-President, as well as the current Maryland FBLA Parliamentarian, also took advantage of the conference’s remarkable opportunities, placing fourth in her competitive event, business communication. To place top ten nationally, out of over 100 competitors, Gentry spent hours studying business communication concepts like standard English conventions, verbal and nonverbal communication, and report applications. Gentry studied from a business communication textbook for at least one hour each day for the three weeks leading up to the conference, which demonstrates her significant dedication and initiative to succeed.
At the middle school level, current ninth grader at Northern High School, Fitz Human brought home sixth place in the middle school career exploration contest. This contest provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge around competencies in many career areas and competition consists of an objective test. The goal of the contest is to inspire students to learn about themselves, their options, and to create a plan to reach career goals.
Congratulations to the following students who earned the ability to compete at the national competition this past summer:
Gentry Bowie (Senior)
Events: Business Communication and Community Service Project
Chloe Chen (Freshman)
Events: Middle School Community Service Project and Middle School Exploring Business Issue
Isaiah Craft (Sophomore)
Event: Introduction to Information Technology
Lochlan Fitzgerald (Freshman)
Events: Middle School Community Service Project and Middle School Elevator Speech
Sophia Hein (Junior)
Event: Graphic Design
Olivia Herrin (Senior)
Events: Job Interview and Partnership with Business
Sarah Hutchinson (Senior)
Events: Advertising and Community Service Project
Fitz Human (Freshman)
Events: Middle School Career Exploration and Middle School Annual Chapter Activities
Mikaella Jones (Senior)
Event: Community Service Project
Logan McDonald (Senior)
Events: Public Policy and Advocacy and Partnership with Business
Madison Miller (Freshman)
Event: Middle School Marketing Mix Challenge
Madison Montgomery (Class of 2024)
Events: Public Speaking and Local Chapter Annual Business Report
Jessica Nguyen (Sophomore)
Event: Graphic Design
Ollie Reist (Freshman)
Event: Middle School Marketing Mix Challenge
Sally Shnawa (Junior)
Event: Introduction to Social Media Strategies
Isaac Simpson (Freshman)
Events: Middle School Annual Chapter Activities and Middle School Exploring Business Issue
Jasmine Simpson (Class of 2024)
Events: Economics and Local Chapter Annual Business Report
Isabella Siracusano (Freshman)
Events: Middle School Marketing Mix Challenge and Middle School Community Service Project
Madalyn Sokolov (Freshman)
Event: Middle School Marketing Mix Challenge
Maddie Thomas (Senior)
Events: Accounting II and Partnership with Business
The NHS FBLA chapter would like to thank their sponsors as their contributions that enabled the students to attend the trip:
- Educational Systems Federal Credit Union
- Mathnasium
- Shore United Bank
- Bunting Online Auctions
- Lord and Tucker Management Consultants
- Early Childhood Center
- Rotary Club of Upper Marlboro
- #deMANDAcure
- Cedar Point Federal Credit Union
- Carrie Polk Insurance
- Herrington On the Bay
- State Farm Insurance
- Dunkirk Aesthetics
- North Beach Dental Care
- Matt Daniels, Katie Erwine, Lauren Griffen, Paul Harrison, Erin Hitchman, Britty Howard, Saylor Mealing, Skylar Mealing, Clark Outridge, Brianna Seidule, Abby Spence, Wyatt Wright, Bonnie Whittington, and Derek Zumstein.
For more information about CCPS’ career and technical education programs, such as Business Management and Accounting, please visit calvertnet.k12.md.us/cte. To learn more about sponsoring an internship or apprenticeship opportunity or how to partner with the school, please contact CTA Principal Carrie Akins at 443-550-9940.