Prince Frederick Man Arrested for Drug Possession and Driving While Impaired in Calvert County

October 7, 2024
Jerry Allan Campbell, age 61, of Prince Frederick

Jerry Allan Campbell, age 61, of Prince Frederick

Jerry Allan Campbell, age 61, of Prince Frederick, was arrested on September 28, 2024, after deputies from the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office responded to reports of erratic driving on Hallowing Point Road. The arrest led to multiple charges, including drug possession and driving under the influence of drugs.

According to court documents, at around 10:02 PM, law enforcement received a call from a concerned citizen who reported a white Chevrolet Express van with decals for “Campbell’s Flooring” driving dangerously near the Benedict Bridge. The caller remained on the line, describing the vehicle as swerving across the road, riding over the double yellow line, running onto the shoulder, and nearly causing multiple accidents.

Deputy Hill of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched and located the vehicle near the intersection of Hallowing Point Road and Solomons Island Road. The van came to a stop at a red light but did not proceed when the light turned green. After a few moments, the van slowly turned left onto Solomons Island Road before quickly pulling into the parking lot of a 7-Eleven located at 15 Solomons Island Road North.

Deputy Hill initiated a traffic stop in the parking lot, where he made contact with the driver, later identified as Jerry Allan Campbell. Upon approaching the vehicle, Hill observed that Campbell appeared visibly impaired, noting that his speech was slurred, his pupils were constricted, and his movements were slow and sluggish. Campbell’s nose was also runny and congested, and his eyelids drooped.

When asked for his driver’s license, Campbell initially fumbled through his wallet and attempted to hand Deputy Hill a bank card before finding his license. He told the deputy he was driving home from “Croom,” which he said was on the other side of the Benedict Bridge. Campbell denied using drugs or alcohol when asked. However, the deputy noticed a container of Naloxone in the glove compartment—a medication often carried by drug users to reverse opioid overdoses.

After failing the sobriety tests, Campbell was asked again if he had taken any drugs. He then admitted to taking Oxycodone earlier in the day. At this point, Campbell was placed under arrest for suspicion of driving while impaired.

During a search of Campbell’s person, deputies discovered a capsule containing tan-colored rocks, which Campbell confirmed was heroin. He stated that he had used the heroin approximately 30 minutes before being stopped. Additionally, a metal straw used for snorting the heroin was found in his possession.

Campbell was taken to the Calvert County Detention Center, where he was read his rights and given a breathalyzer test, which returned a result of 0.00 Blood Alcohol Content (BrAC). Campbell refused to undergo a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) evaluation.

As a result of the arrest, Campbell faces the following charges:

CDS: Possession-Not Cannabis (Heroin) – A misdemeanor punishable by up to 1 year in prison and/or a $5,000 fine.
CDS: Possession of Paraphernalia (Metal capsule for heroin storage) – A misdemeanor punishable by up to 1 year in prison and/or a $500 fine.
CDS: Possession of Paraphernalia (Metal straw for heroin use) – A misdemeanor punishable by up to 1 year in prison and/or a $500 fine.
Driving While Impaired by Drugs – Violating Maryland Transportation Article TA 21-902(c)(1), which carries penalties including imprisonment and fines.
Driving While Impaired by a Controlled Dangerous Substance – Under TA 21-902(d)(1), which also includes potential imprisonment and fines.

Court documents show that Campbell was released on his own recognizance after his arrest.

Jerry Allan Campbell, age 61, of Prince Frederick

Jerry Allan Campbell, age 61, of Prince Frederick