Joshua Alan Dalrymple, 30, of Prince Frederick
On October 27, 2024, Deputy Campbell responded to the Wawa located at 305 Market Square Drive in Prince Frederick, for a person asleep behind the wheel of a running vehicle at the gas pumps. Upon arrival, contact was made with Joshua Alan Dalrymple, 30, of Prince Frederick.
Deputies observed a glass smoking device with a white powdery residue (suspected crack/cocaine) in plain view.
According to court records, the search revealed the following items:
- A used syringe on the passenger seat, commonly associated with heroin injection.
- A black backpack containing a small plastic vial with white powder residue, suspected to be crack/cocaine.
- An improvised glass smoking device with white powder residue located next to the center console’s ashtray.
- A pink glasses case in the driver-side door containing two additional used syringes, a folded piece of paper, and a small torn-off plastic bag containing suspected heroin powder.
Deputy First Class Lewis read Dalrymple his Miranda rights, which he acknowledged, agreeing to speak with the deputies. Dalrymple admitted to using heroin around 6:00 p.m. the previous evening and mentioned there might be additional heroin in the glasses case found in the driver-side door pocket. He was then searched and placed into the back of DFC Lewis’ patrol vehicle, subsequently being transported to the Calvert County Detention Center.
Dalrymple was charged with the following:
- One count of CDS: Possession-Not Cannabis
- Eight counts of CDS: Possession of Paraphernalia
- Used syringes, associated with heroin injection.
- An improvised glass smoking device for suspected crack/cocaine use.
- A small plastic vial with suspected crack/cocaine residue.
- A red cylindrical push rod, identified as a tool for packing substances.
- A metal tin with a blue cap, used for preparing heroin.
The arrest report confirmed that all events occurred in Calvert County, Maryland, and the investigation was documented via body-worn camera footage.
Deputy Tunnell reported that Dalrymple indicated more heroin might be found in the vehicle, corroborating findings from the pink glasses case. Deputy Campbell’s report noted that he has training from the Southern Maryland Criminal Justice Academy in identifying controlled substances and their paraphernalia, and he has experience with numerous similar arrests.
Following the vehicle search, the discovered items were logged into evidence under property numbers SDP 55867 and SDP 55868 for testing at the Maryland State Police Laboratory. The registered owner of the vehicle later arrived to take possession of it.
Dalrymple was released on his own recognizance after a bail hearing.

Joshua Alan Dalrymple, 30, of Prince Frederick