Police in St. Mary’s County to Conduct Sobriety Checkpoint on Friday, December 6, 2024

December 5, 2024

To mitigate alcohol-related accidents and their devastating consequences, the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office (SMCSO) will conduct a roadside sobriety checkpoint in the vicinity of California, MD, on Friday evening, December 6, 2024. Deputies will evaluate drivers for signs of alcohol or drug impairment.

SMCSO recognizes that roadside sobriety checkpoints are highly visible and effective tools to combat impaired driving behavior. Providing advance notice of these checkpoints discourages impaired driving, raises awareness about the critical importance of refraining from driving under the influence, and is legally mandated for the checkpoint to be valid.

If you plan to drink, use a designated driver or a ride-sharing service. Doing so ensures the safety of both you and others on the road

According to Maryland Zero Deaths Crash Data Information (this includes open investigations and are subject to change) Impaired meaning Impairment Suspected or Determined Persons who are fatally injured in an incident involving a motor vehicle where at least one driver was reported to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

As of December 4th, 2024, Data shows Calvert County having 13 fatal crashes with 7 being impaired, Charles County having 29 fatal crashes with 34 fatalities with 16 being impaired, St. Mary’s has 11 fatal collisions with 6 being impaired.

National Trends: NHTSA’s data indicates that the winter holiday period, encompassing December and early January, consistently experiences a spike in traffic fatalities. In December 2022 alone, 1,062 people lost their lives in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes nationwide. Notably, nighttime driving proved especially hazardous, with 31% of drivers involved in fatal crashes between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. being impaired. This percentage escalated to 45% between midnight and 3:00 a.m.

Maryland-Specific Data: In Maryland, the holiday season has similarly been marked by increased traffic fatalities. In 2022, the state recorded 564 traffic deaths, including 137 pedestrians and 11 bicyclists. Data for 2023 showed a troubling rise, with 570 roadway fatalities reported, that put 2023 as the states highest number of fatalities since 2007. So far in Maryland, 514 fatalities have been reported as of November 2024.

Efforts to Mitigate Impaired Driving:

To combat these alarming statistics, Maryland has implemented several initiatives:

  • Vision Zero: Launched in 2019, this initiative aims to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries on state roadways by 2030 – Zero Deaths MD
  • Increased Enforcement: During holiday periods, law enforcement agencies intensify patrols and sobriety checkpoints to deter impaired driving.
  • Public Awareness Campaigns: Programs like “Be the Driver” encourage safe driving behaviors, emphasizing the dangers of impaired driving – Zero Deaths MD

Despite these efforts, the persistent rise in holiday season traffic fatalities underscores the need for continued vigilance and public cooperation to ensure safer roads during these high-risk periods.