Calvert County Firetruck Involved in Minor Crash While Responding to Assist During House Fire in Anne Arundel County

March 5, 2025

On Tuesday, March 4th, 2025, at approximately 6:50 p.m., firefighters were dispatched to the 6605 Revell Road in Tracy’s Landing, for the reported outside fire.

A short time after dispatch, the incident was upgraded to a structure fire with multiple callers reported the house was on fire. Along with the upgraded assignment, Maryland State Police Helicopter Trooper 7 and crew were returning to St. Mary’s County after completing a patient transport when they observed a large fire in the Tracy’s Landing area.

As the crew came overhead, Anne Arundel County Fire was dispatching units for the house fire. Trooper 7 notified the 911 Communications Center and responding units that it was a working fire.

Firefighters confirmed Trooper 7’s information and requested the working fire dispatch which alerted additional firefighters from Anne Arundel and Calvert County, including North Beach, Huntingtown and Dunkirk.

Crews arrived on the scene to find one home fully engulfed and spreading to a nearby second home along with multiple fires in the nearby woods.

While Dunkirk Volunteer Fire Department responded with Truck 5, they were involved in a minor motor vehicle collision at Route 4 and Mt. Harmony Road. They immediately requested fire and rescue to respond due to unknown injuries and advised they were unavailable to respond to the fire.

Once units arrived and it was confirmed there were no victims requiring medevac, Trooper 7 cleared the scene. Excellent work by personnel from Anne Arundel County FD and Calvert County.

Units remained on scene for approximately 3 hours. There were no reported injuries or fatalities. The fire is under investigation. Our First Responders reminds all to not openly burn in dry, windy conditions as outside fires can spread extremely quickly.

The Dunkirk Volunteer Fire Department released the following statement following the motor vehicle collision –

From: Toby Sealey – Dunkirk Fire Chief, Date: March 5th, 2025,  Subject: Property Damage Accident Involving Truck Co. 5 (Incident #’s 406 & 407)

On Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 1853 hrs., Truck 5 (Dunkirk) was dispatched to 6605 Revell Road in Tracy’s Landing for the confirmed House On Fire (Incident #406).

Truck 5, staffed with 5 Dunkirk Volunteers, began their response by traveling east on West Ward Road to south on Southern Maryland Boulevard with emergency lights and sirens activated.

While traveling south on Southern Maryland Boulevard, Truck 5 was operating in Lane 1 (Fast Lane) and activated their left turn signal, beginning to slow down to make a left turn to travel east on Mt. Harmony Road.

As Truck 5 was slowing down and approaching the intersection of Southern Maryland Boulevard and Mt. Harmony Road in Lane 1, a civilian vehicle moved left into the deceleration/turn lane for the intersection to allow Truck 5 to pass. As Truck 5 was passing the civilian vehicle with the left turn signal activated, the civilian vehicle accelerated to regain its original position to travel south in Lane 1 on Southern Maryland Boulevard, ultimately striking the rear of Truck 5 as they were making the left turn.

Truck 5 immediately came to a complete stop, contacted Calvert Communications, and advised them to replace them on the Box Alarm, stating that they had been involved in a motor vehicle accident and would begin assessing for injuries. Truck 5 also requested that Calvert Communications dispatch the Auto Accident Assignment (Incident 407) for scene shielding purposes and to allow EMS care to be dedicated to the occupants of the civilian vehicle.

All personnel aboard Truck 5, along with the occupants of the civilian vehicle, were assessed and found to have no injuries or complaints that would warrant any further EMS care or transport to any medical facilities.

In compliance with Calvert County Fire Rescue and EMS policies along with Dunkirk Volunteer Fire Department policies, the driver of Truck 5 was removed from his driving capacity and transported from the scene to a medical facility for substance testing by the Dunkirk Safety Officer. All testing procedures had negative results regarding the driver of Truck 5.

Any further inquiries regarding this specific incident can be directed to Fire Chief Toby Sealey at [email protected].

The Dunkirk Volunteer Fire Department utilizes Drive-Cams in all apparatus. The Drive-Cam is activated by placing the apparatus ignition switch in the on position and records continually until the apparatus ignition switch is placed in the off position. All video footage, along with witness statements, has been reviewed and turned over to the investigating Law Enforcement Agency.