Edwin Foote, Jr., 27, of Lusby
On Friiday, May 19, 2017, at approximately, 12:30 a.m,. Deputy R. Shrawder of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office observed a patron in the Buckets Sports Bar, in Lusby, become highly intoxicated after consuming numerous drinks throughout the night.
Edwin Foote, Jr., 27, of Lusby, was loud, belligerent and became disrespectful towards the bartenders when told numerous times to discontinue going behind the bar. Due to his behavior and intoxication, he was told he needed to leave for the night.
Foote refused to listen and continued to yell and cuss outside the bar. He attempted to re-enter the bar and was told he could not go back inside. At this time he started to run and refused to comply with Deputy Shrawder’s verbal commands.
Foote was placed under arrest for Disorderly Conduct, Fail to Obey a Lawful Order, Trespass on Private Property and Resist/Interfere with Arrest. He was also issued a no trespass order for Buckets Sports Bar.

Edwin Foote, Jr., 27, of Lusby