Seven Charles County Volunteer Firefighters Receive Incident Award from the Higgins and Langley Foundation

June 10, 2021

This past weekend, several members of the Tenth District Volunteer Fire Department traveled to South Bend, Indiana to receive recognition for rescuing two civilians trapped in Swift water during Tropical Storm Isaias last summer.

The members in attendance that were part of the response were Wayne Klinger Sr., John Comer, Robert Mott, Wayne Klinger Jr., and Garrett Adams. Members that were part of the response that were not able to attend the ceremony were John Graff and Phil Cibotti.

The Higgins and Langley Foundation was developed to recognize outstanding skill and preparation in the field of Swift water rescue. The crew of this incident was nominated for their actions during this highly technical rescue. After an intense review process, the team was selected to receive and “Incident Award” from the Higgins and Langley Foundation. This is a very prestigious award.

For the year of 2020, only two of these awards were given to teams that were nominated in the WORLD! What an honor to be a part of this.

Incident Award: Surface Water Rescue Team 8/Tenth District Volunteer Fire Department, Maryland – Swanson Creek – August 4, 2020

In recognition for the rescue of two motorists swept away by swiftwater flooding on Brandywine Road from Tropical Storm Isaiah.

On September 1, 2020, The Commissioners of St. Mary’s County were proud to Honor Daryl Estep from the St. Mary’s County Department of Public Works and Transportation at their meeting, as he assisted First Responders across floodwater to access a victim needing vital medical attention.